The Poster Sessions will take place each afternoon from Monday, May 9 to Thursday, May 12, from 16:00 to 18:00. Poster presentations will be divided into the rooms “OCEAN” on the first floor and “MOUNTAIN” on the third floor. Each room is divided into 4 colored zones. Posters are assigned program codes that indicate the date, floor, color and board number of the poster.

The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to reject publication of papers that have not been properly presented or manned in the poster sessions. Manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings (or enlargements of them) are not considered as posters and papers presented in this way will not be accepted for publication.

Poster preparation guidelines can be found here.

IPAC'16 Poster Program Codes

  • Day symbols
    • MO: Monday
    • TU: Tuesday
    • WE: Wednesday
    • TH: Thursday
  • Presentation type symbols
    • P: Poster
  • Floor symbols
    • O: Ocean (1F)
    • M: Moutain (3F)
  • Color symbols
    • W: White - left area / OW001~OW060 and MW001~MW044
    • B: Blue - rear left area / MB001~MB060
    • R: Red - rear right area / OR001~OR062 and MR001~MR060
    • Y: Yellow - right area / OY001~OY060 and MR001~MY044

Poster Session Maps

Ocean Area (1F) Mountain Area (3F)

(Click images for larger sized maps)

Poster Set-up

Posters should be set up in the morning from 08:00-09:00 (before the first invited oral session) so they may be visited during the first coffee break. Authors should attend to their posters through the full afternoon poster session period.

Student Poster Session

Information about the Student Poster Session on Sunday can be found here.

Local Printing of Posters

Posters can be printed locally at Daejoo AD Co., LTD. Please contact them directly at to discuss details including pricing, quality and delivery date.

You can request printing service by fax(+82-51-740-6629) or e-mail .

Download form : pdf or excel

Deadline for printing requests: please send your files at least one day before you need it.